Thursday, August 5, 2010

Okay My Loyal Followers

The day has finally come when I can say that the pictures from the wedding are finally posted.

It was a long day (of the wedding) and has had a lot of long days and nights afterwards trying to edit the photos, not to mention making 8 DVD movies of the event. (Can someone say Headache?)

But it was a GORGEOUS wedding with a very lucky couple.

So if you would like to see the photos, please go Napiecek Wedding as there are lots of photos and not that much time to post them.

I've also made it so that you can now purchase the photos (fancy!).

So, after a long week or so I can now say that they are up and ready to be seen! I love them, and hope you do too!

Also, school starts back up soon, so expect to see articles and pics from my newspaper.



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