Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Just for a Heads Up!

Yes, I updated the background... Needed a little newness in my life!

I just wanted you guys to know, I met with a new "teacher"/"mentor" person today to try to help me out with some the more technical jargin with all this new fangled equipment that I have gotten myself lately.

By jargin, I mean like, F-Stop, Aperature, ISO, Histogram, etc. Yes, I did know what they were before-hand, but this made it much more clear, so hopefully I can cut down on the tweaking and blurry pictures and take them right, the first time.

Also, this particular person has offered to help me (and my mother) in our attempts to take these upcoming wedding pictures by accompanying us to the chapel ahead of time and help us pick out like lighting and all before-hand- which is a life-saving!

Also, I have signed up for another photography class meeting once a week for 2 months starting next Tuesday. We'll have a professional photographer as a teacher who will help and critique our work. EXCITING!!

Well, that's all I have for right now. (Oh, I am currently looking at some new pictures I've taken from Uptown Charlotte, expect those soon-ish.)


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Beauty and the Greek

My cousin was recently engaged to her boyfriend and they are getting married VERY soon!! SO I got the chance to take some Engagement photos of them - and it was quite an adventure!

We first started off at a nearby lake... however there were some other visitors there who were a little hostile.
They definitely scared Emily!
But we got some good photos on the other side of the lake.

Then we moved our little party to a baseball field. (Where Nick, the groom, is quite accustomed to.)

(Charging the Mound.)
After that adventure, Emily - my other cousin, decided she wanted a slushy from Texaco.... 

Then we made our last trip to the UNCC Gardens. 
Where Emily was feeling left out for not being in pictures... or just mentally slow...
So I made her get in a picture...
Nick was jealous.
So we took more pictures.

And climbed on rocks.... even when we weren't supposed too...

However, as graceful as we all are... sometimes we take some spills...

 and take silly shots...
But look good doing it. 

So to this lovely couple, I wish them all the luck and happiness in the world- Not just because she's my cousin, and he's soon-to-be family, but because they are two great people who deserve greatness.

For These and MANY more photos, take a look here: http://ksjphotography.smugmug.com/

and if you want to have your photos taken or have questions, please email me here: ksjphoto@carolina.rr.com

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Becca Photoshoot


So yesterday a friend of mine went out in search of a photo-graphic adventure. Here's what we found!

Featuring the LOVELY Miss Becca Gossage.

For these and more photos of the lovely lady, plus MANY more please check them out here: http://ksjphotography.smugmug.com/.

And if you are interested in having your own photos taken, please email me here: ksjphoto@carolina.rr.com

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Charlotte Uptown, Behind the Scenes

Here are a few photos from my adventure to Uptown Charlotte.

This is David. He is standing on the top of a building. Don't worry though. He didn't jump.
The Steeple of the Covenant Presbyterian Church. It looks so Gothic, I love it!
Other Angles of the Church. 
I love the design on the door. 
One of the newest buildings on the skyline. I love the "glass box" look of it and how the clouds ar reflected in it's sides.
One of my favorite views from the day.

Then we travel over to the little suburb "NoDa"...

Throughout the adventure, I found a lot of new places downtown. And this comes from a person who thought that she had seen all there was to see downtown. 

It's always so exciting to see new places... even if they're literally in your back yard.

Check out these and other photos at my other site: http://ksjphotography.smugmug.com/

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

OK... Logo decision

Hey, the two of you looking at this page (soon to be more!).

So you see the logo above with the flower in the middle. It has come to my attention (Angela) that I could possibly make one of my initials the flower. So I tried it out.

Tell me what you think.


Post Numero Uno

Hello out there!

Just trying to get a feel on what's going on.

More to come...