Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Just for a Heads Up!

Yes, I updated the background... Needed a little newness in my life!

I just wanted you guys to know, I met with a new "teacher"/"mentor" person today to try to help me out with some the more technical jargin with all this new fangled equipment that I have gotten myself lately.

By jargin, I mean like, F-Stop, Aperature, ISO, Histogram, etc. Yes, I did know what they were before-hand, but this made it much more clear, so hopefully I can cut down on the tweaking and blurry pictures and take them right, the first time.

Also, this particular person has offered to help me (and my mother) in our attempts to take these upcoming wedding pictures by accompanying us to the chapel ahead of time and help us pick out like lighting and all before-hand- which is a life-saving!

Also, I have signed up for another photography class meeting once a week for 2 months starting next Tuesday. We'll have a professional photographer as a teacher who will help and critique our work. EXCITING!!

Well, that's all I have for right now. (Oh, I am currently looking at some new pictures I've taken from Uptown Charlotte, expect those soon-ish.)


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