Sunday, July 4, 2010

Let's Take A Little Trip To The Country... sort of.

Recently, after looking at some of my photos and realizing that I don't have many involving something a little more country, I went on an adventure. 

I was looking for wide open fields (in my mind being covered in flowers, but alas, it is the middle of Summer), but ended up with some fields all right, I'm not really sure what they consisted of though.
However, I saw a few miles of it and decided to take some photos.

I found fences, and horses, and beautiful sunflowers.

So if you ever get a chance to go and take a day trip to the country to take some pictures or pick some vegetables, I say, GO FOR IT!

For These and MANY more photos, take a look here:

and if you want to have your photos taken or have questions, please email me here:

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