Sunday, July 18, 2010

My Past Weekend (Part 4)

Part 4: The Civil War Reenactment or The Day We Saw Men With Guns and Ran Towards Them Instead of Away!

Yes. Civil War Reenactment. I went to one. I have proof!

What's more southern than cornbread and apple pie? Civil War Reenactments, because as any true Southerner will tell you, "IT AIN'T OVER YET!" And for you Northeners who somehow stumbled over here, basically we're sore losers and just keep doing the war over and over until we actually win!

Well, my mother, Emily, and I went off to Huntersville on Sunday, the last of my weekend adventures. And let me tell you... it was definitely something and that something was hot. Temperature I mean. It was TERRIBLE! But back to the show.

We were told it started at 2. Okay. So we showed up at 2 and there were already like... 100 people already standing around this house behind some yellow rope. Must be waiting for the show.

We hear some "gun" shots and someone around us claims.. "Oh they're just practicing." Awesome. We haven't missed anything yet. We find some shade and continue hearing gun shots. It seems like they're practicing a lot, doesn't it?

Just then a man in uniform appears on our side of the house.

Then a few more.
Oh, Man! They've already started!

We keep hearing gunshots. IT'S ALL ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE HOUSE. (Where all the other people are standing, but hey we're in the shade and not moving!)

We begin seeing a few people. A little action.

But by time we see anything we hear, "Cease Fire!! Cease Fire!! The Tar Heels WIN!"
First thought: EXCUSE ME?!

Check the time. It's 2:20. Yes. 20 min War. Awesome.

So, that's it?

NO IT IS NOT! I paid money, I need more photos. So what is a girl to do?

Find every man in uniform in sight and take pictures with them. (My own personal war.)

(Seems Happy, Huh?)
(No Chickens Were Harmed in the Making of this Blog.)
(My personal favorite.)
(I asked them what we were talking about, they said... The War. I said. Oh yeah. That was cool.)

For These and MANY more photos, take a look here:

and if you want to have your photos taken or have questions, please email me here:

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