Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Red Glaring Rockets with Some Southern Flair!

Well, as you all know this past weekend was July 4th, Independence Day, The 4th of July. The day where you feel proud to be an American, if not because we get to blow stuff up with bright colors.

And that's what me and my family, and friend, did! Yes, my friend Bianca was "lucky" enough to join in on my family's adventures. If you don't already know, my family is quite southern, with myself, mother, aunt, and cousin being from Southern Mississippi, and my uncle from Louisiana.

So in order to do the holiday right, we made a very Southern inspired dish: Seafood Etoufee (say Et-oo-Fay), Crab Legs, and Corn on the Cob. YUM!

I also was able to make a Holiday Jello- notice it's the flag and layered Red, White, and Blue!!

Then the "fireworks" began. In NC you have to have a permit in order to blow up the big fireworks- the ones in the sky- so all we had were the little ones that shoot like... 6 feet in the air. (For a few of the photos posted, I have to give credit to my mother, if not just because I'm in the photos, usually dancing around the fireworks.)

All in all it was a great night spent with Friends and Family. Hope ya'll's was just as good!

For These and MANY more photos, take a look here:

and if you want to have your photos taken or have questions, please email me here:

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