Sunday, July 18, 2010

My Past Weekend (Part 1)

Why Hello There!

Let me just tell you, rather SHOW you, about how exciting my past weekend has been. (And be sure to check out the other parts to this exciting weekend!)

PART 1: The City in the Day Time

As most/all of you know I am an inhabitant of Charlotte, NC. And let me tell you, I love my city. I think it's gorgeous, so I take a lot of pictures!!

On Friday, I started off taking some pictures in Davidson and then moved to Charlotte in the late afternoon. Here's what I got.

Holland? No. Just an awesome Windmill in Davidson, NC. 

I also found this creepy house, but it doesn't look as creepy as it did in my imagination.

That's better. 

Now to Charlotte.

Haha, I was playing with "Depth of Field". 
Em can make a solid model, yeah?

The Return of the Fish-Eye
(Actually, it's basically the only reason I got the lens, for this shot right here.)

(Nice, huh? Minus the dead grass. PHOTOSHOP!)

Next up, Part 2: Charlotte Night Time

For These and MANY more photos, take a look here:

and if you want to have your photos taken or have questions, please email me here:

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