Sunday, July 18, 2010

My Past Weekend (Part 3)

Part 3: The Lake Norman Bike Excursion or Fast Bikes, Old Men, and Tight Shorts.

On Saturday in Lake Norman the American Red Cross and Mooresville Fire Department help set up for the annual Bike Excursion where hundreds of bikers of all shapes, sizes, ages, and locations come and participate to raise money! (On Friday, Emily and I helped register, but that wasn't really photo-worthy.)

We woke up early on Saturday (6 AM- anyone who thinks that's not early need not respond!) and drove out to Lake Norman to watch the festivities. There we saw seas of bright colors and lots of wheels.

So we walk around and see all of the bikers getting ready to go, and then take pictures of the heading off.
(P.S. That wasn't all the exciting since there were HUNDREDS of them so the take off was actually really slow. Like... REALLY SLOW. Most of them were just like... barely pedaling!)
The ONLY way to travel!
(Those Old Men I mentioned earlier.)

So, as exciting as that is, it didn't really show a lot of good action shots. So, what do you do?

FOLLOW THEM- In a car of course!

But biking can be troublesome. And bikes can break.

And it can be awfully tiring!

But, hey! It looks like a lot of fun- for them!

For These and MANY more photos, take a look here:

and if you want to have your photos taken or have questions, please email me here:

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